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Gaelscoil na Speiríní , An tSrath / Gaelscoil na Speiríní, Draperstown

✏️📚Comhairle na Scoile 🗳️🗒️

12th Sep 2024
✏️📚Comhairle na Scoile 🗳️🗒️

D’ullmhaigh na páistí in Eochairchéim 2 óráidí le cur in iúl os comhair daltaí na scoile inniu. Labhair siad go muiníneach agus go paiseanta.

✏️📚School Council🗳️🗒️

Our pupils in Key Stage 2 prepared speeches to present to the other children in school on why they should be elected to the school council.

We are so proud of how confidently and passionately they all spoke!

We look forward to introducing our newly elected school council soon.

⭐️Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh siad! ⭐️