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Gaelscoil na Speiríní , An tSrath / Gaelscoil na Speiríní, Draperstown

🟢➕Seachtain na Matamaice ➖📊

18th Oct 2024
🟢➕Seachtain ma Matamaitice ➖📊

Le deireadh a chur le Seachtain na Matamaitice, bhain Rang 4/5 sult as na gníomhaíochtaí praiticiúla seo a leanas: Beebot a theorú le cruthanna a aimsiú ar an léarscáil, cártaí imeartha le hionadluach a chleachtadh, cruthanna 2T le tangram a dhéanamh agus airíonna de chruthanna 3T a fhiosrú le taca gorm agus cipíní.

🟠✖️Maths Week 2024➗🟦

To finish off Maths Week, Rang 4/5 enjoyed a carousel of activities based on their current learning. They used their problem solving skills and Beebot to find 3D and 2D shapes on the mat while practicing mathematical language such as quarter turns and left and right. They took turns choosing playing cards to find the highest number in their group while working on place value. Created their own tangrams used 2D shapes and explored the properties of 3D shapes using blue tack and sticks to build their own shapes and record the properties on their mats.
Maith sibh a pháistí! 👏