Seachtain na Matamaitice ➕➖
22nd Oct 2024
Rang 1/2 ag foghlaim faoin fhómhar ar scoil - rinne muid duilleoga deasa, rinne muid plé faoin iora rua agus gráinneog 🍁 🦔 Bhí muid ag aimsiú cruthanna sa timpeallacht agus ag déanamh cluichí mata le linn seachtain na matamaitice. ➕➖ Bhí muid ag sórtáil agus ag cleactadh na litreacha. ✏️
Rang 1/2 are learning about autumn, red squirrel, we made headgehogs and autumn leaves. We were looking for shapes outside - R1 are learning about circles. We made patterns and did lots of games for maths week. ➕➖ We’re busy sorting and practising our letter formation ✏️ 🍎 😃
Rang 1/2 are learning about autumn, red squirrel, we made headgehogs and autumn leaves. We were looking for shapes outside - R1 are learning about circles. We made patterns and did lots of games for maths week. ➕➖ We’re busy sorting and practising our letter formation ✏️ 🍎 😃