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Gaelscoil na Speiríní , An tSrath / Gaelscoil na Speiríní, Draperstown

Suirbhé Molta Glór na Speiríní Survey Glór na Speiríní

1st Oct 2020

Suirbhé Molta Glór na nGael - Glór na Speiríní

Is mian linn do thuairimí maidir leis an Ghaeilge sa cheantar a bhailiú, le go mbeidh muid in ann freastal níos fearr a dhéanamh ar ár mbaill. Tá muid buíoch díot as an fhoirm seo a chomhlíonadh chun cuidiú le forbairt na teanga. Tá an obair forbartha seo a dhéanamh ag Glór na Speiríní, i gcomhar le Glór na nGael, agus beidh torthaí an tsuirbhé seo ar fáil ag oifigí leasmhara Glór na nGael chomh maith, Ní choinneoidh Glór na nGael aon sonraí teagmhála tar éis do phróiseáil an tsuirbhé seo bheith curtha i gcrích.. Má roghnaíonn tú do sheoladh ríomhphoist a thabhairt do Glór na Speiríní chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil, ní chuirfear chugat ach eolas ábharach bunaithe ar na suimeanna léirithe anseo. Is féidir díchlárú ag am ar bith trí fhreagra a thabhairt ar aon ríomhphost leis an teachtaireacht 'STOP'. Níl aon eolas teagmhála pearsanta eile á bhailiú ar an fhoirm seo.


We are grateful to you for sharing your thoughts regarding the Irish language in the area. This will help to inform Glór na Speiríní regarding future language provision and planning. This language development work is being undertaken by Glór na Speiríní, with assistance from Glór na nGael, and the results of this survey will be available to relevant members within both organisations. Glór na nGael will not store any contact information beyond the completion of the survey period and no contact information will be shared at any period. Should you choose to receive further information from your club, only relevant information based on the preferences indicated on this form will be sent. You may unsubscribe from this service at any time by replying with the message 'STOP'. This form collects no other personal contact information.




Cén aois thú?/ What age are you?








Cad é tír do bhreithe? Where were you born?

Éire/ Ireland

Thar Lear/ Over seas


Cá bhfuil gnáthchónaí ort? Where do you normally live?

Baile na Scríne

Baile na Croise/ The town (townlands of Moykeeran, Moyheelan, Cahore)

Lasmuigh de Mhórcheantar na Speiríní/ Outside of the Sperrin’s

Cad é mar a dhéanfá cur síos ar do chumas i dtaobh labhairt na Gaeilge?

How would you describe your ability in regards speaking Irish?

Gaeilge ar bith/No Irish

Beagán/ Little

Go Measartha/Middling

Líofa/ Fluent

Cainteoir Dúchais/ Native Speaker

Cad é mar a dhéanfá cur síos ar chumas Gaeilge do pháistí?

How much Irish do your children have?

Gaeilge ar bith/No Irish

Beagán/ Little

Go Measartha/Middling

Líofa/ Fluent

Cainteoir Dúchais/ Native Speaker

Cé chomh minic is a labhraíonn tú Gaeilge? /

How often do you speak Irish?

Teanga an tí / Language of the home

Gach lá / Everyday

Seachtainiúil / Weekly

Ar bhonn tréimhsiúil / Periodical



Cé leis a labhraíonn tú Gaeilge?

To whom to speak Irish?

Le mo pháistí/ To my children

Le baill teaghlaigh/ Family members

Le cairde/ Friends

Le comhghleacaithe ar obair/ Work colleagues

Le comhfhoghlaimeoirí eile/ other learners

Ar mhaith leat cur le do scileanna Gaeilge?

Would you like to improve your Irish?

Ba mhaith/ Yes

Níor mhaith/ No

An bhfuil clann agat sa chóras Gaelscolaíochta?

Does your family attend Irish medium education?

Tá/ Yes

Níl/ No


An bhfuil an Ghaeilge a úsáid sa bhaile mar theanga tí agaibh?

Does you use Irish as your language in the house?

Tá/ Yes

Níl/ No


An bhfuil ról/post agat sa chóras Gaelscolaíochta?

Do you work or are you involved in Irish medium?

Tá/ Yes

Níl/ No


An raibh tú riamh nó an mbíonn tú rannpháirteach in aon imeachtaí Gaeilge i gceantar Glór na Speiríní?

Did you ever or are you involved in any Irish language events organised by Glór na Speiríní?

Bhí/bíonn / Yes    

Ní raibh/ní bhíonn/ No


Ar mhaith leat bheith níos rannpháirtí in imeachtaí áitiúla Gaeilge?

Would you like to be more involved in local Irish language events?

Ba mhaith/ Yes

Níor mhaith/ No


Cén saghas imeachtaí Gaeilge ar mhaith leat bheith rannpháirteach iontu/bheith curtha ar fáil duit agus do do mhuintir?

What type of Irish language event would you like to be part of or to be organised for you or your community?

Seirbhísí oideachasúla agus cúrsaí oiliúna/ Educational services & training courses

Imeachtaí siamsúla do dhaoine óga le Gaeilge/ Entertainment events for young people with Irish

Imeachtaí sóisialta do dhaoine óga le Gaeilge/ Social events for young people with Irish

Imeachtaí siamsúla do fhoghlaimeoirí na teanga/ Entertainment events for learners of Irish

Imeachtaí sóisialta do fhoghlaimeoirí na teanga/ Social events for learners of Irish

Grúpaí sainspéise Gaeilge (grúpaí reatha, cumann rothaíochta, grúpa cócaireachta, cumann scannán, cumann iascaireachta, club leabhar, srl.) / Special interest Irish language ( running groups, cycling club, cooking club, film group, fishing group, book club, etc)

Imeachtaí sóisialta le haghaidh teaghlaigh i nGaeilge/ Social events for families in Irish

Deiseanna neamhfhoirmiúil chun an teanga a úsáid (Pop-up Gaeltacht, ciorcal comhrá, cumann craic, srl.) Informal social opportunities to use Irish (Pop-up Gaeltacht, conversation circle, etc)

Imeachtaí cultúrtha le Gaeilge (ceolchoirmeacha traidisiúnta, drámaí, ceardaíocht, srl.)/ Cultural events with Irish ( traditional concerts, dramas, crafts, etc)  

Eile- Alterative (Sonraigh le do thoil) ( Details please)

Cad iad na seirbhísí ar mhaith leat/le do mhuintir níos mó Gaeilge a fheiceáil ann?

What are the services that you / your community would like more Irish language in?

Seirbhísí Eaglasta- Religious services

Oifigí/seirbhísí Rialtais-Offices/ Government Services

Cumann Lúthchleas Gael- Gaelic Club

Leabharlann- Library

Oifig an Phoist- Post Office

Naíonraí- nursery

Banc- Bank

Seirbhísí sláinte- Health Service

Siopaí/seirbhísí miondíola- Shops/retail services

Caiféanna/bialanna/tithe tábhairne- Cafés/ restaurants/ pubs

Seirbhísí na comhairle- council services

Eile- Alterative (Sonraigh le do thoil) ( Details please)


Tabhair samplaí de na seirbhísí Gaeilge breise gur mhaith leat a fheiceáil

Give examples of other Irish language services that you would like to see


Ar mhaith leat go mbeadh an Ghaeilge níos feicseanaí in áiteanna poiblí i do cheantar?

Would you like that Irish would be more noticeable in public places in your area?

Tabhair samplaí- Give examples


Cad iad na seirbhísí gur mhaith leat a fheiceáil in ionad Gaeilge?

What are the services that you would like to see in the Irish language centre?


Tá breis agus ___ duine óg (idir 4 agus 18) sa chóras scolaíochta lán-Ghaeilge i gCeantar na Speiríní. Cad é an tosaíocht, dár leat, maidir le freastal ar an ghlúin úr, óg le Gaeilge sa cheantar?

There are _______ young children (between 4 and 18 yrs) in the Irish medium education sector from Ballinascreen. What in your opinion is the priority, in regards to serving this new generation, in the area with Irish?





Cén saghas tacaíochta ar chóir a bheith á sholáthar don chóras Gaelscolaíochta?

What sort of support should be provided to the Irish medium education system?


Tabhair aon eolas/tuairimí breise anseo. Any other information/ more ideas here.