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Gaelscoil na Speiríní , An tSrath / Gaelscoil na Speiríní, Draperstown

Young Enterprise 🤗

21st Jun 2024
Bhí lá iontach againn ar scoil inniu! Bhí na daltaí Rang 6&7 ag obair go crua ar a ngnó féin agus d'éirigh go mór leo inniu!
Maith sibh a pháistí!

Wow, what a wonderful day at our Gaelscoil today! The Rang 6&7 pupils have worked so hard on their business ideas these past few weeks: creating their own logos, business plans and sales pitches. Not to mention the wonderful products and services they created themselves! This was part of their Young Enterprise topic. What a treat it was to see their ideas come to fruition today. We are so proud!
Thank you so much to the parents for helping, and the other Gaelscoil pupils for supporting.

Maith sibh gach duine! 🫶🏼✨🙌🏼