School Council
Gaelscoil na Speirini has a School Council. The members of the school council are voted into the council through a balloting system carried out at the beginning of every school year. The council members therefore make decisions on behalf of the pupils. They help to organise school events, school assemblies and are involved in making school decisions about their learning. They come together once a month and regularly liase with teachers, staff and pupils. Council members promote particular subjects within the school also.
School Council: The school council was set up in May 2015.
The aim of the council is to give a stronger voice to the children of the school.
An aidhm atá leis an chomhairle ná guth níos láidre a thabhairt do pháistí na scoile.
Is é Múinteoir Colleen a bhíonn ag obair leis na páistí atá ar an chomhairle.
Múinteoir Colleen works alongside the children in an advisory capacity to the council.
Bíonn cruinnithe acu go rialta agus bíonn deis ag an chomhairle guth na bpáistí sna ranganna eagsúla a chur chun cinn.
There is regular meetings and this promotes the voice of the children in Gaelscoil na Speiríní.