Healthy Eating
Gaelscoil na Speiríní is dedicated to providing an environment that promotes healthy eating, and provides students with the opportunity to make informed choices about the food they eat. The school will promote healthy eating in curriculum lessons (Science and Personal Development) and in the food
Hot meals are provided to us by St. Mary’s Primary School, Ballinascreen, however, it is still very important for the parents to take note of our healthy eating policy. It is also important for parents to take note of letters home advising of any allergies other pupils may have.
It is important for the parents to know what is healthy and what is not when preparing packed lunches for their children. Children need a healthy diet for normal growth and development. Parents must be careful in the sugar and fat content in the lunches that are prepared.
A healthy diet for children can prevent a variety of problems as they grow. The children will also find they have more long term energy.